Saturday, March 16, 2013

God is in you . .. Something to think about

 As i go through life , so many obstacles have been placed in my path , and the only way i have gotten through them is because of God . God in my eyes , is not how my mother sees him or how you see him .. he's something completely different . God is in my heart , my soul , and in my spirit . . he is the Good of all things . God and I have our OWN relationship different from everyone else .

             Alot of people view Religion has this Trend , or even a tradition to pass down ..i guess you can say . Religion doesnt exist to me , God does . See, what people fail to realize is that faith is something that comes from deep down inside of you . Faith cant be passed on , just because your mom believes something in her heart and feels a certain way doesnt mean you have too . God to me is all spiritual , nothing of this world . I feel like whatever i do is only between me and Him .. Nobody else . Nobody has the right to tell me if something is a sin or not . Now , i know in the bible it states what is a "sin" and what is not . But we are humans , and we are going to commit these "sins" regardless . its about how we handle it , and how our personal relationship with God is ..that deteremines how it will be judged .

    I believe Jesus Christ is my savior . No , i havent met him , but he has touched my heart and soul .  i don't think people understand how i know this .When you believe in soemthing you will put your all into it , all your faith , and hope because you know it is the truth , and thats exactly how i feel about God . I know MY God is real , because i have faced many challenges and life not knowing how i would get through them , but his light guided me out the dark  . He gave and still gives me hope in my darkness moments . There is so many things that could happen to me , even death could happened ...But because of my faith in My God , he has given me a Blessed life .
                    God cant be categorized , what a Buddhist feels is his God .. is HIS God . He doesnt have to believe in what i believe to be right . What he may feel in his soul and his heart may be different from me , and thats okay .  Its nowhere near my place to judge someone . I believe everyone has their own idea of what heaven is , same applies when it comes to God . See now , MY GOD  is about love , peace , happiness , doing good , finding yourself while still having him in your heart , and not being of the world . Not everyone feels this way , some people think of Him way differently then I . . but we are all our own person , with our own hearts , and we have all things that we put our faith in , and how i view perceive things from you , shoulda make me wrong or right to you or anyone else , it shouldnt make no different or concern you . So , for the reader reading this ,when you think of God .. is he just a religion or is he inside you ? is he the reason you believe and have life or is he just a way of life ? Think about it .

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